Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 1 - The Dumpster Arrives!

Today we got our dumpster - very exciting! Now we can begin the demo of the existing basement in earnest. Getting the dumpster was a piece of cake. I booked it online, including instructions as to where it was to be left, it was delivered while we were at work, and will be picked up in a week, also while we're at work. Brilliant! Didn't even need to talk to anyone. All shopping should be this easy!

The dumpster takes up nearly the whole driveway

We've already removed one panel and discovered that the existing finish was done by tacking wood strapping directly to the concrete wall, and then nailing the panelling to the strapping. Of course, the strapping is quite rotten in places, as one might expect. This means that we'll have to buy all new lumber to frame new walls instead of using the existing framing as we'd hoped. No worries though. Every renovation has surprises, so if this is the worst we get, we'll be in good shape.

A peek at what's to come

We've also had to leave some things in the room we're renovating, which is not ideal, but we're confident that we'll be able to work around them with a minimum of cursing. The couch, which only barely made it into the basement in the first place, will not come back out unless it's in tiny pieces, so that stays. The tv weighs 120lbs, and is too heavy for Lesley to help me move it, so it stays. The bench and weights are temporary and can be moved out as necessary, but I am hoping (rather foolishly, I suspect) that I'll be able to continue some semblance of working-out during the reno. We'll also have to move the subfloor tiles around until they're ready to be laid. Notice the bench pointed directly at the tv...

Not quite an empty room

 Will he get in any workouts?

Tomorrow, we start the demolition. I have a sudden urge to stock up on first aid supplies...


Anonymous said...

You'll need lots of bandaids, some disinfectatnt (scotch works well) and possibly those crutches we still have in our basement.


Grant said...

Love the red / grey patterned brick ... Are you keeping this theme ?

Your shopvac is much too clean and shiny .. please remedy ASAP ... :-)

So what does "mouse poo" taste like anyways? Just curious...

I am sure that you are loving every minute of it (well at least I'd be for sure)


Big D said...

The shop-vac has been broken in - It now looks like crap.

We didn't actually get to taste the mouse poo, fortunately for us, but I'll bet it tastes like chicken... Or maybe Indian food...

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