Monday, May 31, 2010

Off Day

Just like baseball players, renovators need an off day, and Monday seems like a good day to be off. Pretty stiff and sore today anyway, so the aging bodies will appreciate the rest. Apparently, you use muscles during demolition that lay dormant otherwise. It gives me a new level of respect for people that make a career of this type of work. It's one thing to have a physical job in your twenties - it's quite something else to continue that type of work through middle-age and into retirement.

An update to the cat situation - since sharing a bathroom with a cat really stinks (both figuratively and literally), we've decided to un-ban Neuman from the basement on a trial basis. He seems happy to be able to trip around down there at his leisure, and inspect the renovation. We'll just have to wait and see if this arrangement is going to work.

Tomorrow it's back at it - we'll be pulling nails and cleaning-up and repairing the walls.


Mom said...

I'm with you on that middle age thing. Your dad doubles that. Say "Hello, Neuman" for me.

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