Monday, August 9, 2010

Called on Account of Darkness

It's the dog days of summer, and the sun is setting a little earlier these days, giving precious little time to work in daylight. I started building the bulkheads this evening, and was able to complete the long, ten foot span to replace that problem bulkhead that was removed. I just barely had enough light to see what I was cutting by the end. Lesley will help me to put it in place tomorrow, and the bulkhead construction will continue.

I'm now pushing hard to get the woodwork done by the end of the upcoming weekend in order to give us an outside chance of having the basement completed by Labour Day. At this stage, it will be an immense undertaking to make that deadline, but it's not impossible.

Wish us luck!


Anonymous said...

You might need a few more of those of those work lights to be able to finish by Labour Day. Oh, the joy of drywalling late into the night - taping, mudding, sanding, vacuuming, taping, mudding, sanding, vacuuming ...


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