Sunday, August 29, 2010


Been taking a break from the basement of late, both in terms of building and blogging. After spending nearly every spare minute we've had for the past three months down there, we've been needing a mental break. There is no chance of completing it by Labour Day now, and so we're going to take a slightly more relaxed approach going forward, and give ourselves a little more downtime as summer turns to fall.

With that said, I did get going on the wiring yesterday. Of course, just as I began, I quickly realised that I did not have all what I needed, and so started the day with yet another trip to HD. Managed to get about half of the wiring complete despite the short work day.

Wiring is fairly simple. The hard part is in the planning - you need to think about how each receptacle, switch, and light is going to be connected to everything else, all while minimising the number of junctions, and the number of holes drilled through framing to accommodate the wiring runs. After much deliberation (as is my wont), I was able to put together a pretty good plan, that is probably only mildly flawed. At this point, I'll be satisfied that the electrical works, and doesn't start any fires. I actually decided, in the end, that the existing wiring would get chucked. I simply couldn't use it in its existing configuration, and the sheathing was quite damaged in places (even altogether missing) due to years of exposure to moisture. Luckily, electrical cable is not overly expensive, and using a new reel somewhat simplifies installing the runs by eliminating the need to measure anything.

Pictures to follow.


Anonymous said...

The electrician's mantra - electricity runs in circles, and pay day is Friday. Happy Birthday!

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