Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 78

It's getting harder and harder to keep at the renovation through the week, as it drags on through August.

Lesley and I managed to get the long bulkhead attached the other night, but little else. As we find ourselves getting home late from work, and needing at least some downtime before calling it a night, there's just not more than 90min in-between most nights. This evening's scheduled task is a shopping trip to Lowe's in the far east-end of Ottawa to get the needed lumber to complete the framing, but it may turn out to be a much-needed night on the couch instead. Based upon the shadows under the eyes today, a couch-night is sounding pret-ty good right about now.

By the way, I appreciate the early optimism in the poll, which you'll find to your right. Don't forget to vote!


Auntie Sue said...

Don't kill yourself trying to meet an arbitrary deadline ... try for Thanksgiving :)
I'm in the middle of renos myself (hired help) at Grandma's ... I LOVE Lowe's (my new favourite store). Best of luck.

Anonymous said...

If you go for the Thanksgiving finish, I'll change my vote. Plus you'll have two more pair of hands to help.

Big D said...

It's not as arbitrary as you might think - football season starts the week after Labour Day :-)

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