Sunday, July 18, 2010

Day 53

Got back to work today after an awesome day off in Montebello. It being Sunday, we'll work until 4pm and no later. That gives us precious little time to get stuff done. With the second window in, we're now concentrating on framing until it's done, and with luck, we'll be able to complete it before the end of next weekend.

Today's framing project was connecting the blue wall with the regular partition walls. This involves framing up one last segment that will go around a bulkhead. Since building walls on the floor is much easier than building them in place, we're going to measure out each piece, and hope that everything will fit as planned. We must be getting better at measuring and cutting, because everything fit like a glove.

I've been framed!

I've also had to solve a small problem of not being able to attach the top plate of the wall to anything. Actually, it will be attached to the bulkhead, but I'm not convinced that the bulkhead will provide for enough strength, so another solution is required. In the end, I've decided to attach "nailers" to the back of the top plate, and nail the nailers into the concrete foundation. This is why I've left a gap of 1.5" between the wall and the subfloor. I'm not crazy about taking this route, but the the nailers have gaskets attached to them, so it should be fine. Besides which, I'm not planning on dismantling this basement again in this lifetime, so it will be someone else's fun renovation to remove them.

Nailer, I hardly...

Time to call it a night. I can hear the sounds of Weezer playing at Bluesfest wafting in the open window, and look forward to being lulled to sleep by the melodies of  "Buddy Holly".


Anonymous said...

Ooh, Buddy Holly. That would make me dance, not sleep. Rave on ...

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