Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Making a List, Checking it Twice

There was a time when I would get mildly excited by a prospective trip down the Home Depot. It's a great place, replete with tools, and wood and, and general building supplies. Oh, how I would annoy Lesley by browsing through the tool selection, looking for cool stuff on sale. Good times. However, after near-weekly trips since the renovation began, the trudge to Home depot has gotten ennuiant, if you'll please excuse my French. So, I'm making a Home Depot shopping list in the interests of spending less time at our friendly neighbourhood home improvement centre. Supplies on the list include the requisite items to install those shiny new windows, which is our main goal for the coming weekend. We'll also be picking up some lumber for bulkhead construction, fasteners, and a new #2 Robertson screwdriver head since mine's starting to look more round than square after driving in +100 screws.

Progress on the framing continues -  a couple of more studs went in yesterday without major incident. Not much more work will get done until the weekend though since tonight was spent running errands, tomorrow is mine and Lesley's third anniversary (as romantic as a dark and dirty basement is, we've opted for dinner out), and Thursday is shopping day at the ol' Home Depot. With daily highs of thirty-four centigrade, it's too hot to work anyway.


Anonymous said...

Way too hot is right. Thank goodness we have the lake to jump into (well me, not your dad - the water temp is only 25). Happy 3rd anniversary. Seriously, 3 already? Enjoy your evening sans tools.

Michelle said...

Wow - such progress! You guys have been working hard and deserve the break this week. I love the reno records...especially the 3 wtf moments! Happy anniversary to you both and I hope you have a lovely evening!

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