Thursday, July 1, 2010

Candada Day

Ever notice how Canada Day is more and more frequently pronounced Candada Day as the party wears on?

It is our glorious nation's birthday today, and even though the Queen of Bloody England is in our glorious nation's capital to join in the festivities, the renovation marches on.

Because of a later commitment to a box of Corona and a deck, there were only a small number of hours available to be spent on the reno. Today's task: set the sole plate for the walls that will surround the main drain stack.

Stack o' drain

This part is a wee bit tricky, but nothing too difficult. I made extensive use of my handy dandy carpenter's square to set the plates where they ought to be. No measuring today. All marks will be made by aligning boards in their desired position. Fortunately, I have a number of short boards that were off-cuts, and I will be able to use them for the plates for these three very short-span walls. The shortness of the boards also makes it easy to set them in place, and mark where to cut off the excess. A couple of hours later, and the plates were in place.
Ready for studs

Notice the double sole plates on the ends. This was necessary to tie-in the two larger walls - normally you would attach your perpendicular walls via the the cap studs, but because these walls are so short, and because of the position of the clean-out, that wasn't going to be possible. The double plate should provide added structural strength without the need for extra studs.

I also was able to install a permanent support for the landing. When we demolished the partition wall, we discovered that they'd used that wall as a the lone support for that corner of the landing, although the only real support given was the shear strength of a couple of 8D nails. I've put in supports that will carry the load down to the floor without relying upon the shear strength of screws. Should be a bit more solid now.


And now it's time to celebrate Canada's 143rd birthday.


Anonymous said...

Listen to you talking about shear strength and cap studs and sole plates. I'm beamimg with pride. Or maybe it's from the Canada Day Coronas on the deck.

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