Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Wood Arrives!

We got our wood today. It was dropped off while we were at work.

The first shipment

Because it wasn't delivered wrapped up as expected, I spent a couple of hours after work taking it out of our driveway and putting it away. The insulation batts got put in the garage, and the wood made it's way under the tarp in the backyard.

Stack o' Batts

Gift wrapped wood pile

No actual work got done today. After moving our building supplies and fending off crowds at the grocery store in advance of Canada Day, it was just too late to do anything but unwind and prepare for tomorrow.


Auntie Sue said...

Stack o' batts ... kind of life Jiff o' pops or yard o' donuts :)

Big D said...

mmm...yard o' donuts...

You forgot Strip-o-pops...

Anonymous said...

... pile o' poop (dealt with earlier in the reno)

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