Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day 15

No renovation today. Instead, we took a trip to Rona for the screws I need to build the stairs support, and also browsed ducting and stock windows.

Box o' screws

I'm planning on running heating ducts into the newly finished part of the basement in order to take some heating pressure off of the baseboard heaters. In order to do this, I'll need to modify the existing duct-work, which is all rectangular. That would not be so much of a problem, except that it would appear as though rectangular duct-work is hard to come by at your local home improvement centre. The search is on for a solution.

We're also going to replace the two wood-framed, and likely original windows in the basement. They're mostly rotten around the frame, which is not surprising as the wood is mortared to the rough opening. We're planning on replacing these with stock pvc windows that will fit a 38.75"x24.25" rough opening. The plan is to get them at the re-store, which closes early, so we'll have to wait until the weekend.

High-inefficiency window

Looking forward to an early night tonight. Between the renovation and Stanley Cup Playoffs, sleep has been scarcer than I like it. The cup presentation last night was great, marred only by having to look at Bettman's ugly mug. Glad the Hawks won it though. They really deserved it.


Anonymous said...

Changing the windows is a great idea. Have you considered egress windows? Auntie Jude has them in her apartment. They have to open wide enough to get a person out. That means the glass and screen have to be easily removable. It's worth considering. Your dad is also happy about the Blackhawk win. I'm happy hockey is over. It's June 10, for Pete's sake. Happy Birthday Auntie Sooz.

Big D said...

Not doing egress windows. In fact, I'd be happy if the windows didn't open at all. I even considered filling them in, but Lesley thought that might be too dungeon-like.

Anonymous said...

Lesley is totally right. But then again "dungeon" might work for a man-cave. As for the heating duct problem, I think you can buy sleeves that you attach with, what else, duct tape, to make dissimilar ducts attach to each other. I've seen Brian do it. But I egress ...

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