Sunday, June 13, 2010


It was a beautiful summer day in the Nation's Capital today. Or, if you were renovating, it was a sticky hot friggin' day today. Nonetheless, we soldiered on, and managed to complete the floor today. It went pretty quickly until the last row, where every single tile needed to be cut to fit.

Tapping in tiles

We actually have about a dozen or so leftover - hopefully enough to finish tiling the storage space.

We also got started framing the supports for the stairs / partition wall. It was the end of the day though, and we immediately ran into a measuring issue. This particular bit of framing is going to take meticulous care in getting it right, and our minds were more focused on Corona's on the deck given what a beautiful day it was, so we called it a day upon running into the problem. This is the thing about DIY: not only does everything take five times longer than a professional would take, but you have no experience upon which to draw when you encounter difficulties and complications. I'm confident that we'll get this end of the basement framed, but it's going to take us some time, and some serious brain power (good thing I've got Lesley!).

Speaking of brain power, I managed to strike myself in the noggin with the cordless screwdriver today. That was fun. I was at a very awkward angle as I tried to fasten a temporary support, and the driver slipped and got me right in my ample forehead. Geez. I've got a nice mark to go along with a goose egg on my head for my trouble, but it's nothing a Corona won't fix...


Anonymous said...

Did the noggin incident induce "construction talk"? Auntie Jude and I are familiar with this phenomenon. BTW, kudos for knowing when to call it a day, and for not splitting your infinitives in the retell.

Auntie Sue said...

ya see, everyone appreciates good grammar :)

Big D said...

That's true. Although my grammar is likely far from perfect, proper grammar seems to be a lost art if today's newswire is any indication. It's appaling what gets printed these days.

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