Saturday, June 12, 2010

Window Shopping

Did a little shopping this morning since Saturday is the only day we can get to the Restore while it's open. Unfortunately, they had no windows that will fit our rough opening, so we'll make another trip another day to the other Restore in Ottawa's east end to see if we can find something that will work. I'd hate to have to shell out for custom windows.

We also took a trip to Home Depot while we were out to get framing screws, framing nails, concrete nails, and a framing hammer. They had the framing screws and nails, but no concrete nails, and no suitable framing hammer. In fact, their hammer selection was surprisingly pitiful. I did take the opportunity to peruse the duct work though, and think I may be able to come up with a solution for my ducting dilemma. Home Depot had a much better selection of duct work. But, since their hammer selection sucked, it was off to Rona, where we did find a suitable hammer, and the concrete nails we needed.

DIY loot

With all the shopping this morning, we got a bit of a late start on demolishing the third and final stud wall. We did manage to take it down though, after a few hours of labour, and it yielded a tidy pile of lumber to re-use on the new partition walls.

More demo

Demolition complete!

Hauling lumber

Now we prep the concrete floor to be covered in DRIcore. Tomorrow's goal is to finish laying the floor, and get the support for the stairs in place. I think that if we can accomplish that, we'll be in good shape.

Getting the floor ready

A bit of bad news. The experiment to allow the cat back into the basement has failed, and so Neuman has found himself re-banned for good this time. Back to sharing a bathroom with a cat. *sigh* He's currently felinus non gratis. In the doghouse for cats, as it were.


Anonymous said...

You went for the framing hammer when you had the perfect opportunity to get a nail gun? I just don't get young people today. Oh yeah, I forgot. It's the cheap gene. But Dave, it's a power tool, and a gun - double the fun.

BTW your windows are probably a standard size. All basements had those teeny little useless windows back in the day, so replacement windows probably come in that size. We just bought 36" X 24" windows for the back porch - double glazed, vinyl, lateral sliders - for $207 each. New windows for you would probably run around $100 or less each. Do you have a Lowe's? They run head-to-head with Home Depot and Rona here, so they match prices, and Lowe's is often lower than the other two, hence their name :-).

Big D said...

Couldn'y justify the several hundred dollar expense of a nail gun and compressor for a job that can just as easily be done by hammer for a small fraction of the cost. Plus, I now have a giant hammer, which is pretty cool.

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