Monday, June 28, 2010

Jimmy Rig

Solved a minor problem today that had been slowing things down. Whenever Lesley was otherwise indisposed, I couldn't use the chop saw, because there was nobody to hold the end of the wood. It sounds like a silly problem, but it was really debilitating. So, I fashioned a "holder" of sorts from scraps. After rummaging through the accumulated off-cuts, I managed to find a combination of materials that stack up to the perfect height.

Soon to be wood holder

Four screws later, and I had a handy-dandy jimmy rigged wood holder.

Jimmy rigged

My new wood-holder enabled me to cut the final stud for the hell-wall, which promptly got installed.

Fully studded

Guarded relief

The satisfaction of putting in the last stud was short-lived however, as the planned-for 1.5" gap between the studs and the stair stringers that was going to perfectly fit a 2x4 for support has wound up being a 1" gap. Argh. I'm pretty sure that 1" dimensional lumber doesn't exist, and I own neither a planer nor a table saw, so this ought to be fun figuring out how to fill the gap.

Time to hang up the toolbelt for the evening, and ruminate on my most recently encountered issue.

Beer time


Anonymous said...

You can get what's called 5/4 decking material in cedar and pressure-treated. It's thickness dimension is exactly 1". But it's 5 1/2 " wide, so you'd have to rip it down, unless the width is immaterial (get it?)Or you could use 2 plies of 1/2" plywood, or even (very heavy) 1" plywood. Home Depot will rip it for you for free.

Anonymous said...

P.S. Congrats on building your first shop jig. You're on the edge of becoming a pro :-)

Lesley said...

*sigh* - I'm not sure how I feel about being replaced by an old pile of wood scraps...

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