Wednesday, June 16, 2010


The reno is getting put on hold for a few days as Lesley and I go to Halifax where Lesley's dad, Harry, is receiving a stem cell transplant. Lesley left yesterday, and I'll be off tomorrow.

We're into mostly two-man job territory now, so there's not been much work getting done with Lesley being away. I did manage to take advantage of the down time to get in my first workout since the reno started, though. I was even able to hook up the cable to the tv and watch the ballgame while doing it. Bonus.

Until next week.


Anonymous said...

We're sending positive thought waves to Harry in Halifax. Hiatus is good. Unless you have no hot water, which is the case for us. Our kettle is the only thing getting a workout. We need the rain to stop, so we can get on with it. Safe journey.

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