Sunday, July 11, 2010

Just one of those days

Yesterday was not a good day. It was one of those days where everything that can go wrong does, a few things that couldn't possibly go wrong do anyway, and you eventually wish you could just go back to bed.

The day started at Home Depot - again. I had forgotten to put pvc conduit on my shopping list for the previous outing, so we had to go get some - our cable tv is split outdoors, and the cable for the basement is currently run through the existing window. I'm going to mortar in a pvc conduit to provide a inlet through the wall for the cable. We also picked up some more screws, that elusive tape measure, and a bundle of 2x2's (you guessed it - eight footers).

More loot

By the time we made it home, it was already after noon, so we had a short day to work with. A short, hot, muggy day. We decided to put off installing windows until the Sunday, and so I continued framing while Lesley finished putting floor tiles in the under-stairs storage closet. Lesley's task went reasonably well aside from one major head-bump. The wall, however, did not go so well.

Closet finished


I wound up cutting the studs about a quarter of an inch too long somehow, and so had to dig out the chisel once more to try and fit in the wall. Because I'm building the wall on the floor and then raising it, these issues don't get realised until the wall is already built. Hence the chisel as opposed to re-cutting the studs. I also somehow screwed up attaching the bottom plate because none of the studs save the cap stud are even remotely straight. And then there was the battle to get the wall to be plumb along its entire length. . By the end, I was ready to set the torch to it.

Wonky wall

I haven't quite decided how I'm going to fix the wall, but I may just take it down and start over. I'll have some time to think about it however, since today is window installation.


Anonymous said...

see previous comment re: brother joints...

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